“In the past couple of decades, The Walt Disney Company has acquired a diverse array of franchises. Which ones are now under their umbrella?
Over the last 20 years, Disney has made significant acquisitions, turning it into the home of some of the world’s most prominent franchises and intellectual properties. While everyone knows about Marvel, Star Wars, and Indiana Jones, there are many other franchises now owned by Disney, particularly after its acquisition of 21st Century Fox’s entertainment assets starting in 2019. Let’s delve into the notable franchises now under Disney’s ownership, apart from the well-known Disney IP.
The Muppets, Pixar, and Marvel were acquired by Disney in the 2000s. In 2004, Disney obtained The Muppets, excluding Sesame Street, forming The Muppets Studio to manage the franchise. Pixar joined Disney in 2006, bringing beloved franchises like Toy Story and Ratatouille under Disney’s banner. Then, in 2009, Disney acquired Marvel Entertainment for $4 billion, gaining control of the entire Marvel library.

In 2012, Disney acquired Lucasfilm for $4.05 billion, acquiring Star Wars, Indiana Jones, and other IPs like Willow and various video game franchises from LucasArts. Subsequently, Disney purchased 20th Century Fox’s entertainment assets in 2019, inheriting franchises like Die Hard, Alien, Predator, and Avatar. This deal also gave Disney control over Marvel characters like X-Men and Fantastic Four, previously under Fox’s jurisdiction.
Disney now owns 20th Century Television and its franchises, including The Simpsons, Family Guy, Bob’s Burgers, and more. The acquisition also brought shows like Futurama and King of the Hill into Disney’s fold. Furthermore, Disney gained access to 20th Century Fox TV’s properties such as The X-Files, Justified, and Buffy the Vampire Slayer.

From family-friendly Pixar films to edgier series like American Horror Story, Disney’s portfolio is extensive and diverse. The irony of Disney now owning franchises like The Simpsons and Family Guy, which have satirized the company, isn’t lost. Nonetheless, Disney’s vast library of franchises is available for streaming on Disney+.
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Gus Goose, Fethry Duck, Gladstone Gander, John D. Rockerduck, Magica De Spell