‘White Christmas’ (1954) Review Film

‘White Christmas’ (1954) Review Film

It was twelve years prior that Bing Crosby was in a spot and a film called “Occasion Inn,” wherein he sang a somewhat number labeled “White Christmas,” composed similar to all the music in that image by Irving Berlin. The event was cheerfully memorable, for an explanation we barely need review: “White Christmas” and Mr. Crosby became like “God Bless America” and Kate Smith-to such an extent, for sure, that the idea of featuring Mr. Crosby in a film that would have the title “White Christmas” was introduced up to six years ago. Various impediments assail it, yet the design was eventually accomplished. “White Christmas,” with Mr. Crosby, opened yesterday at the Music Hall.

Likewise, it is in Technicolor and Vista Vision, which is Paramount’s new wide-screen gadget, and it has Danny Kaye, Rosemary Clooney and Vera-Ellen notwithstanding its central star. Another bunch of Irving Berlin numbers includes its melodic score. Vital, to lay it out plainly, has done “White Christmas” up brown. But, strangely, the sugary treat isn’t as exceptionally delicious as one would assume. The enhancement is to a great extent in the line-up and not in the result of the cooks. Everybody takes a stab at the matter of singing, moving and telling wisecracks, however the stuff that they work with is minor. It doesn’t have the old motivation and flash. For a certain something, the credited scriptwriters-Norman Krasna, Norman Panama and Melvin Frank-have shown almost no creative mind in assembling what is some of the time called the “book.”

They have hacked out an approach to getting two groups of performers a couple of praised male hoofers and a singing sister act-to a ski hold up in New England (suggestive of the Holiday Inn) which turns out to be controlled by past broad of the outfit the colleagues Were in during the conflict. What’s more to show their enthusiasm for past broad and the troublesome conditions he gives off an impression of being in, they give free amusement and bring in a major convention of companions for the Christmas occasions.

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