If you are a big fan of Nickelodeon’s Avatar: The Last Airbender, then you will love the comics. These are fully-fledged stories from the minds of Michael DiMartino and Bryan Konietzko, the creators of the show. The comics expand on many of the heavy themes the TV show tackled, including oppression, displacement, trauma, and discrimination. The comics dive deeper into each of the character’s core beliefs and creates entirely new story arcs.
The comics are co-written with cartoonist Gene Luen Yang and illustrated by the Japanese artist duo known as Gurihiru. However, the art style takes a turn in a different direction in Imbalance as Yang and Gurihiru departed to work on other projects. They were replaced with writer Faith Erin Hicks and artist Peter Wartman. This new art direction caused some distress with fans, but both DiMartino and Konietzko are still working closely with the comics.

The comics answer many of the questions you probably had following the Avatar finale, including what happened to Zuko’s mother, what a relationship between Aang and Katara looks like, and how the world rebuilds following the defeat of Fire Lord Ozai.
You don’t need to watch the entire Avatar: The Last Airbender series in order to read the comics. Begin with The Lost Adventures anthology, which takes place between the season finales of Book One: Water, Book Two: Earth, and Book Three: Fire, respectively. The anthology contains a whopping 26 stories from a mix of people who worked on the beloved animated series.
After watching the TV series and finishing The Lost Adventures, move onto Katara and the Pirate’s Silver, a standalone comic consisting of 80 pages. This comic details a missing episode where Katara gets separated from the Gaang after a Fire Nation ambush. Katara is forced to swallow her beliefs and align with pirates if she wants to avoid capture in this riveting, short read.

Next, read Suki Alone, which is best read halfway through watching Book 3: Fire. It details Suki’s capture by the Fire Nation when she’s brought to The Boiling Rock, an inescapable prison located in a dormant volcano. Using all of her charm and wit, Suki builds a community among her fellow prisoners in a bid to survive until Sokka or her beloved Kyoshi warriors come to her rescue.
Lastly, you need to read the Team Avatar Tales anthology, which contains a mix of comics and even three short stories that have never been collected before. Inside, you’ll read a bunch of mini-episodes, from Sokka becoming a substitute Fire Nation teacher to Toph reuniting with The Boulder.

The next set of Avatar: The Last Airbender comics picks up about a year following Aang’s battle with Fire Lord Ozai. You’re going to start with The Promise, where Aang and Katara attempt to mediate tensions between newly crowned Fire Lord Zuko and Earth King Kuei.
We bring out some of the most well-known Avatar: The Last Airbender Collection all of which are available at reasonable costs. Visit our link now if you are interested in the Avatar: The Last Airbender Collection

Long Feng,Piandao,Chey,Joo Dee,Pakku