“What kept me from watching Cowboy Bebop for so long? This futuristic series set in 2071 follows a group of bounty hunters known as ‘cowboys’ as they navigate a lawless and dangerous new frontier in space. Led by the former police officer turned bounty hunter, Jet Black, the crew of the spaceship Bebop includes the […]
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Here’s a list of 10 anime series that share similarities with Cowboy Bebop: Samurai Champloo: Set in an alternate Edo-era Japan, this action-packed series follows the journey of three unlikely companions—a rogue samurai, a wandering ronin, and a young waitress—as they embark on a quest in search of the “samurai who smells of sunflowers.” With […]
In the past, anime was often considered niche entertainment, associated with a dedicated following of nerds and geeks. However, amidst the vast array of titles, one anime stood out as a crown jewel and a significant milestone upon its release in 1998: Cowboy Bebop. Despite the prevailing perception of anime at the time, Cowboy Bebop […]