Halia Abdel-Meguid, a talented writer and executive producer, has been selected to lead the highly anticipated live-action series adaptation of “Death Note,” the renowned Japanese manga and anime series, for Netflix. This adaptation, based on the original work by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata, is being developed under the banner of Upside Down Pictures, the […]
“The Simpsons, known for its long-running presence on television screens for the past 25 years, has had its fair share of ups and downs. While some may argue that the show has lost its touch over time, there are moments when it manages to shine brightly amidst the storm. The upcoming tribute to Death Note […]
Popular anime series like Hunter x Hunter, Naruto, and more are now free to watch on YouTube. Viz Media, the anime and manga publisher, has made several beloved shows available on the platform. This presents a great opportunity for newcomers to delve into these iconic classics. The company has created curated playlists on YouTube featuring […]
“The Simpsons, the long-running animated comedy that has entertained audiences for decades, is gearing up for another milestone in its impressive journey. As the series approaches its 1,000th episode, it has a special celebration planned for episode 750. In a unique twist, The Simpsons will feature a special opening sequence with a crossover from the […]
Suicide Puppets, an up-and-coming band, has just unveiled their latest musical offering in the form of a brand new single and accompanying music video titled “Death Note!” This talented group recently caught the attention of M & O Music, a prominent record label based in France, and secured a record deal with them. With this […]
Artists who have worked on popular anime series such as Death Note and Trigun Stampede are joining forces to combat the toxic culture of grueling work and inadequate pay that plagues their industry. Taking a stand against the dire working conditions prevalent in the anime world, these creative professionals have established the Nippon Anime & […]
Get ready for an extraordinary theatrical experience as Death Note: The Musical takes center stage at the iconic London Palladium. With two highly anticipated concert performances scheduled for August 21 and 22, this European premiere is set to captivate audiences like never before. Tickets for these exclusive shows will be available for purchase starting June […]
Get ready for an exciting theatrical event as “Death Note: The Musical” makes its English-language premiere with two extraordinary concerts at the prestigious London Palladium. This groundbreaking musical, based on the renowned Japanese manga series of the same name by Tsugumi Ohba and Takeshi Obata, has garnered acclaim with its previous productions in Japan and […]
Get ready for an extraordinary theatrical event as Death Note: The Musical, widely acclaimed in Japan and Korea, is set to dazzle audiences with its highly anticipated English language premiere. This thrilling production will take center stage in two star-studded concerts at the prestigious London Palladium on August 21 and 22, promising an unforgettable experience […]
Get ready for an exciting event in London’s West End this summer as Death Note The Musical comes to the prestigious London Palladium. Fans of the iconic manga series can rejoice as the beloved story of Light Yagami, the high school student-turned-supernatural vigilante, receives its West End debut, courtesy of the creative team behind another […]