“Kakegurui” is a captivating anime that immerses viewers in a world of excessive indulgence, depicted through its visually appealing animation. The series boldly portrays the Seven Deadly Sins, notably greed, envy, pride, and lust, with an overt presence that leaves no room for subtlety. Set within a prestigious high school academy, the narrative revolves around […]
The anime adaptation of Kakegurui (Compulsive Gambler) was originally released in Japan in July 2017, but Netflix delayed its distribution outside of Japan until February 2018. Despite the initial delay, the series gained popularity and became one of Netflix’s most popular anime licenses. Along with two anime seasons, there were also live-action J-drama series, movies, […]
Here’s a list of 10 hidden details in the anime series Kakegurui that many viewers may have missed: Symbolic Hairstyles: Pay attention to the hairstyles of the characters. Each unique hairstyle represents their personality traits and often foreshadows their actions in the series. Foil Characters: Throughout the show, there are several pairs of characters who […]
Unexpectedly Talented Team Takes on New Beyblade Manga The latest Beyblade manga may be considered a children’s series, but don’t underestimate the creative minds behind it. The new manga, titled Beyblade X, brings together a team of renowned creators who have delivered some of the most acclaimed manga in recent years. While Beyblade has become […]
The Abridged series by Something Witty Entertainment provides a more satisfying interpretation of the controversial storyline in Sword Art Online. Surprisingly, the best version of Sword Art Online’s divisive story comes from a parody series created by Something Witty Entertainment. Sword Art Online is an anime based on Reki Kawahara’s light novels, which has been […]
Here is a concise and detailed list of 11 outstanding anime series that share similarities with Sword Art Online: Log Horizon: This series follows a group of gamers who find themselves trapped in a fantasy MMORPG called Elder Tale. They must adapt to their new virtual reality and navigate the challenges of living in a […]
Exciting news for Sword Art Online fans and Nintendo Switch owners! The latest video game adaptation of the beloved anime series, Sword Art Online Alicization Lycoris, has just received downloadable content (DLC) specifically designed for the Nintendo Switch platform. The DLC, titled “Blooming of Matricaria,” is now available for fans to dive deeper into the […]
Here is a detailed list of some of the best characters who are exclusively found in the Sword Art Online games: Strea: Introduced in Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment, Strea quickly became a fan favorite. She possesses a mysterious and alluring personality, captivating players with her enigmatic nature. Strea is known for her exceptional combat […]
The Sword Art Online spin-off series manages to surpass the main series in various aspects, offering a refreshing take on the beloved franchise. Sword Art Online (SAO) has undeniably gained widespread popularity as one of the most renowned Isekai anime. Whether you’re a long-time anime enthusiast or a recent convert to the world of anime, […]
Here is a list of Kirito’s strongest attacks in Sword Art Online, ranked based on their power and impact: Starburst Stream: Kirito’s signature move, known for its incredible speed and devastating strikes. It involves a rapid series of sword slashes with unmatched precision, making it his most formidable attack. Mother’s Rosario: Inspired by the title […]