Sailor Moon, an iconic anime series that has captured the hearts of millions around the world, had a tumultuous journey to its American release. When it first aired in the US in 1995, the series was dubbed and produced by DiC Entertainment. However, the dub produced by DiC was heavily censored and edited, with missing […]
If you are new to the world of anime, Sailor Moon is an excellent series to begin with for several reasons. Here are five reasons why Sailor Moon is a great anime to start with if you have never watched anime before: We bring out some of the most well-known Sailor Moon collection, all of which are […]
Sailor Moon, the iconic anime and manga franchise, has been a beloved series for over two decades. The story of a teenage girl named Usagi Tsukino who transforms into the titular Sailor Moon, alongside her fellow Sailor Guardians, to defend Earth against evil forces has captured the hearts of fans worldwide. However, there was a […]
In this passage, the author discusses how Sailor Moon’s choreographed attacks and transformations are a crucial aspect of the show’s identity, and how a particular episode deviates from the formula. The passage begins by mentioning how the show’s highly choreographed nature is often criticized by some, but goes on to argue that it is an […]
Sailor Moon may seem like a cute and girlish anime, but it has many incredible battles that showcase the Sailor Scouts’ strengths and determination. The Negaverse villains are disturbing and creative, featuring elements of body horror. Despite the many filler episodes, the classic series has a strong overarching plot with high emotional and physical stakes. […]
This June, Sailor Moon fans worldwide will finally witness the culmination of the beloved manga series in a two-part film adaptation entitled Sailor Moon: Cosmos. The highly-anticipated final arc of the series will be brought to life in a grand cinematic spectacle that promises to be nothing short of epic. Fans have been eagerly waiting […]
The latest character trailer for Sailor Moon Cosmos is available on both YouTube and TikTok. This trailer features Sailor Mercury and Sailor Jupiter and showcases their different fighting styles. While Sailor Mercury fights in a calculated and intellectual way, Sailor Jupiter focuses more on sheer power. The voice actresses from the show will reprise their […]
Viz Media, a well-known publisher of manga and anime content, has provided a treat for anime enthusiasts by uploading a selection of classic anime shows to its YouTube account for free streaming. The publisher has made several popular series available for viewers to enjoy, including Sailor Moon, Naruto, Death Note, Inuyasha, and Hunter X Hunter. […]
Sailor Moon has always been a beloved anime with a large and passionate following. Despite being released over 30 years ago, the popularity of Sailor Moon has never dwindled. This is a testament to the show’s enduring appeal, which has captured the hearts of anime fans across generations. One of the reasons Sailor Moon has […]
Sailor Moon fans, mark your calendars because both parts of the Sailor Moon Cosmos anime films will be released in June! To hype up the upcoming release, the franchise has been releasing character trailers that showcase the Sailor Guardians as they travel down the solar system. This week’s focus is on Eternal Sailor Mars and […]